Warren County area is well-positioned as the southern gateway into the Greater Des Moines Metropolitan region. Warren County has a resourceful and connected team of economic development professionals, multiple chambers of commerce, and business and development partners that can help advise your business. Warren County has a business climate conducive to attracting new businesses, as well as a great quality of life for business executives and employees. Interested in useful data for your business relocation or expansion project? We have compiled economic indicators for Warren County in one location.

11th Most Populous Iowa County
Current Warren County population estimate: 51,466 residents
(Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division, March 2020 release)
4th Statewide in Per Capita Income
With an Per Capita Income of $34,570, Warren County is ranked #4 in the State for Per Capita Income
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Per capita income in past 12 months (in 2018 dollars), 2014-2018
#2 Median Household Income
With an MHI of $74,383, Warren County is ranked #2 in the State for Median Household Income
Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2014-2018 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates

Looking for a Location?
WCEDC keeps an inventory of available commercial properties within Warren County. Feel free to peruse the commercial sites and buildings that are currently available within the county, give our properties page a look today!

Warren County is located two minutes south of the Des Moines International Airport. Two of Warren County’s largest communities, Norwalk and Carlisle, are located within 10 minutes of the Des Moines International Airport, the closest of all Des Moines Metro suburban communities.
Interstate 35 (four-lane divided highway)
Highway 5/65 Bypass (four-lane divided highway)
Highway 65/69 (four-lane divided highway)
Curious about traffic counts for a city or location within Warren County? We encourage you to visit the annual daily traffic counts at the Iowa DOT website for our county/communities.

Targeted Industries,Workforce, and Education
Targeted Industries
E.g. – General Mills, Harvest Innovations, La Quercia, Summerset Winery, La Vida Loca Winery,Annelise Winery, Two Saints Winery, Iowa Distilling Company, Broadbent Distillery, BackRoad Brewery, Warren County Farm Tour
Advanced Manufacturing
E.g. – Cemen Tech, Alamo Group, Windsor Windows, Rowat Stone, Produce Innovations
Technology Supported Enterprises
E.g. – Rowe Electronics, Microsoft, Facebook
Warehouse & Distribution
Workforce & Education
In regards to education and available skilled workforce, the county seat of Warren County, the city of Indianola, is home to Simpson College’s main campus. Simpson College is a four-year liberal arts institution with over 1500 students and an adult secondary education program. Des Moines Area Community College established a Warren County Career Academy for students and graduates to gain valuable hands on experience and education in their vocational areas of study.
Additionally, Warren County K-12 education system is among the best in Iowa. Students test scores rank high relative to the rest of Iowa and U.S. and faculty/staff frequently receive honors for their work.

Community Attractions
Warren County has a lot to offer residents, guests, and tourists that travel to our communities. Warren County is home to the Des Moines Metro Opera and the National (Hot Air) Balloon Classic, both nationally recognized events that are held each summer. Warren County boasts miles of walking and biking trails, new and existing craft breweries, Summer events like no other, and a myriad of entertainment options both in and outdoors.
Visit our tourism page to learn more about what Warren County can offer for your entertainment!