Warren County Economic Development works in partnership with the communities within Warren County to support veterans. WCEDC and partner communities provide a series of incentives and assistance programs that are unique to veterans who either currently reside in Warren County, or veterans seeking to call Warren County communities home for residence and/or business ventures. ‘Home Base Iowa’ and the communities within Warren County to provide comprehensive resources to fit veteran’s needs. Home Base Iowa assists veterans in their efforts to secure jobs in Iowa companies, continue their service through the National Guard/Reserves, and continue their education. The following sections incorporate numerous resources to better assist veterans seeking opportunities within Warren County.
Veteran Incentives
Warren County offers considerable incentives for veterans doing business in and purchasing homes in Warren County. Please review our veteran incentive package below for further details. Click here to view our veteran incentives
WCEDC Veteran Small Business Grant Program
WCEDC offers a $1,000 incentive to any veteran who opens a new business, or any existing veteran owned business that is expanding their business. The funds will be available to the first ten veterans per year. Contact us for more details and to start an application today!
Career Assistance
Are you looking for career assistance? Home Base Iowa frequently posts career opportunities for our service men and women. To find opportunities CLICK HERE
Small Business Administration (SBA) Programs
The SBA Des Moines District Office offers assistance to veterans with special loan and financing information. VISIT THE SBA