Improve Your Business Through Norwalk and Indianola's Incentive Programs
In many cities around the country commercial improvement incentive programs have proven to be a successful way of encouraging economic growth. By providing financial incentives for businesses to improve existing infrastructure or build new facilities, these programs create jobs and stimulate the local economy. Currently two communities in Warren County are offering grants and incentives to assist in improving current commercial properties. Check out these offerings from Norwalk and Indianola starting in 2023.
This program offered by the City of Norwalk provides dollar for dollar matching grant funds for physical and facade improvements, business expansion of operations or facilities, demolition of dilapidated properties in commercially zoned areas or a veteran or veteran spouse opening or physically expanding a business in Norwalk.
This program has an annual cap of $150,000 with a maximum of $50,000 per applicant/project. $55,000 for qualified veteran-owned business projects. Veterans may apply for the $5,000 business grant only, or both grants (Veteran and Commercial improvement).
Eligibility and complete details of the commercial grant program and application are on the City of Norwalk’s website or you can call 515-981-9530 and speak with Hollie Zajicek.
The City of Indianola, in its continuing effort to support commercial revitalization and economic development in the Downtown Square, has created the Downtown Façade and Interior Improvement Program to provide financial assistance to businesses and property owners for building improvements. The program was designed to assist in revitalizing and refreshing the appearance and feel of Downtown buildings and improve the perception of Indianola as an attractive city to visitors and residents on and around Indianola's Square.
Applicants may apply for up to $25,000 in grant funding. The amount of grant funding allocated will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis. Matching funds are not required. View the application for more information.
Eligibility requirements and more information about the Downtown Facade and Interior Improvement program, please contact the Community Development Department at (515) 961-9430.
Reach out to Warren County Economic Development to learn about these programs and more that can provide financial assistance for expansions, investments in new technologies and equipment, as well as tax credits for hiring local workers. Businesses should consider taking advantage of these incentives to improve their bottom line while also helping to build a stronger community. If you're interested in learning more about this program or how you can take advantage of it for your business, contact our office today!